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WMS error message "Process: process failed" - possible reasons


This document describes possible reasons for the error 'Process: process failed' in WMS Control Centers or in ICL export functions.



When a WMS or ICL report shows an error message with the text 'Process: .....' this means that the error is caused by the Exact Globe SDK. Not in all circumstances a clear error message is returned, and then only the message 'Process: process failed' will show. This is a general message without direct explanation of the cause of the error. This document describes known situations where this error could occur.


All WMS modules

  • check if there are still sufficient 'free numbers' available in Exact Globe menu System, General, Settings: Number settings.
  • check the financial periods in System, General, Settings: General settings
  • Always enable WMS Stock 'Calculation' options for all WMS modules you are using, in menu System, General, Settings, WMS General.
    Disabling these 'calculation' options is strictly limited to WMS modules you are not using at all.
    Disabling these settings for WMS modules you are in fact using, will lead to very strange (and unsupported) situations.


Production Issues

  • The Exact Globe SDK will (or would) automatically process material issues from the default warehouse of an item.
    If that warehouse does not match the actual issue, this could be rejected by the SDK because of insufficient stock, but with the message 'process failed'.
    This also depends on the Exact Globe settings Check stock and Selection: Serial/batch numbers, in System, General, Settings, Order settings.


Intercompany Logistics (ICL) - exporting 'delivery notes'

  • You were exporting a sales order return fulfillment for a serial/batch item, and that serial/batch number is not on stock in the sales company.
    In the ICL process 'export delivery notes', ICL first automatically creates a PO and a (return) receipt, but a return receipt is actually an issue of an item, so when stock validations are enabled the serial/number cannot be issued when it's not on stock. Workaround: configure the setting "Selection: serial numbers" to "Manually" in menu System, General, Settings, Order settings.


 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 22.379.540
 Assortment:  Date: 02-03-2012
 Release:  Attachment:

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