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Overview of currencies

Menu path

System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Currencies


A currency is generally an accepted form of money which is widely used in a country as a medium for exchanging goods or services. Each country has its own currency and these currencies are commonly used as the representation of payments in trading or banking transactions around the world.

In this screen, you can view a list of currencies that have been created in the system. These currencies need to be activated first before they can be used for making and receiving payments through the system.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is applicable to product update 407 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.

How do I create a currency entry?

  1. In the main screen, click New. The ISO currency codes screen will be displayed.
  2. Define the relevant fields.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I edit the existing currencies?

  1. In the main screen, select the required currency code.
  2. Click Open. The ISO currency codes screen will be displayed.
  3. Make the required changes on the relevant fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close.

How do I delete a currency?

  1. In the main screen, select the required currency code.
  2. Click Delete. A message asking you to confirm the deletion will be displayed.
  3. Click Yes to confirm deletion or No to cancel.




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