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Exact Synergy Enterprise - Background Job Deduplication

Background Job: ExactFullText.exe


This background job either generates a preview of duplicate accounts to be merged or physically merge the duplicate accounts and its contacts together. A Microsoft Excel report is generated for each deduplication task; preview or actual merge. The duplicate accounts will be merged based on the merge settings which are set by the user. There are four types of merge settings, i.e. Master settings, Merge selection criteria, Account merge conditions, and Contact merge conditions. The merge settings can be defined at Customers/Reports/Quality analysis/Deduplication.

Technical Information 

The merge settings is stored in MailMergePending table in XML format with ReportType = BA. The background job will retrieve the information from the table and perform the deduplication process based on the merge settings.

The former syntax is as follows:

This background process was not available in Exact Synergy.

The new syntax is as follows:

Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:<bgJobs Assembly> /CLASS:<bgJobs Class>

This results in:

"C:\Program Files\Exact Software\Exact Synergy Enterprise\bin\Exact.Process.exe" / /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.SysHrMail /CLASS:SysHrMail /X:BA


No parameters are available for this background process.


As the syntax of this background process is relatively straightforward, refer to the previous paragraph that describes the sample syntax.


Currently there are no known issues.

Related document 

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: General  Document ID: 16.343.807
 Assortment:  Date: 27-09-2007
 Release:  Attachment:

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