Modules ? HRM ? Reports ? Statistics ? Rating by performance review
This page allows you to view the total number of ratings based on different performance review groups and the attributes. The performance review profiles that have been created or completed will be reflected in the statistics.
The Performance Review management feature is a measurement tool that monitors and measures the performance of employees within an organization. It also helps the management to identify if the results delivered by the employees are aligned with the organization’s goals.
To view the performance review rating statistics, function right 145 — View Resource card or 359 — Maintain Competency is required. By default, users with the HR or HR assistant role have this function right.
The information in this document is applicable to product update 259 and higher. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.
Click this to exit.
Click this to display the report according to the defined criteria.
Note: Once you have clicked this button, the name of the button will change to Refresh.
Click this to update the report according to the defined criteria.
Click this to clear all the defined criteria so that you can start a new search.
Select one of the available options to display the statistics for specific groups of people in the organization. The available options depend on the setup at Modules ➔ HRM ➔ Setup ➔ Organisation ➔ Group: Division. For more information, see Overview of group layouts.
Type or select the division code to display the statistics of people belonging to the selected division. Once you have selected a division, you can view the details of the division by clicking the name of the division displayed next to the box. For more information, see Viewing division cards.
Type or select the cost center code to display the statistics of people belonging to the selected cost center. Once you have selected a cost center, you can view the details of the cost center by clicking the name of the cost center displayed next to the box. For more information, see Creating and modifying cost centers.
Type or select the job group code to display the statistics of people belonging to the selected job group. For more information, see Viewing job groups.
Type or select the job activity code to display the statistics of people belonging to the selected job activity. For more information, see Viewing job activities.
Type or select the job title code to display the statistics of people belonging to the selected job title. For more information, see Viewing job titles.
Type or select a date of reference.
Select one or more of the following check boxes to view the records, which are reviewed by the selected reviewer:
Select Performance review or Rating to display the statistics by the selected layout.
Select the Employee, Contractor, Student, and/or Temporary check boxes to include the respective types of employment in the statistics.
Select Group, Division, Cost centre, Job group, Job activity, or Job title to group the statistics by the selected option.
Select the Active, Hired, and/or Inactive check boxes to include the respective statuses of the people in the statistics.
Select Count to display the headcount of the results, % to display the results in percentage form, or Count + % to display the results in both forms.
This column displays the performance indicators defined for the performance review profile(s).
This column displays the ratings in the form of graphical bars for the respective performance indicators. The colors of the bars represent the different ratings.
This column displays the number of people who obtained the ratings for the respective performance indicators. You can click the value hyperlink to display a list of people who obtained the respective rating.
This column displays the number of people who obtained the ratings for the respective performance indicators in percentage form. The values in the column are calculated using this formula: (The total number of ratings for a performance indicator / The total number of all ratings for a performance indicator) x 100.