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Progress OpenEdge database: Dedicated Storage Areas

With 7.36 our database definition files (dfs) will contain references to dedicated storage areas. Prior to 7.36 the database definition files pointed to the Schema Area for all tables and indices.

Using the Schema Area for data is not a best practice and prevents leveraging the benefits of using Type II storage areas.

We have defined the following storage areas:

6 Schema Database schema yes yes
7 Master Master data which is relatively static. yes yes
8 Master2 Master data which is relatively dynamic (for example debtors and projects) yes  
9 Entries Data which is created, updated and deleted or moved when processed. yes yes
10 Transactions Data resulting from processing entries and which is generally only created and not updated or deleted. yes  
11 Aggregates Data resulting from processing which is the sum of transaction tables (for example balsht and stcumdat) yes  
12 Logging Data related to logging. yes yes
13 Documents The documents table (stexob) yes  
14 Obsolete Tables which are not used, but which cannot yet be deleted. yes  

Updating an existing database

To add the needed extents to an existing database and move tables from their initial Schema Area location to their target areas, from proenv use:


(To keep it simple, copy exactcs735-736'tablemove.cmd and to the database folder and set the prompt in proenv to this folder. Then start exactcs735-736'tablemove.cmd)

Note that proutil tablemove invoked by the above cannot move the blob fields (in stexob / stjobl / y_stjobl) to their intended areas, a dump, drop table, recreate table and reload is required to achieve this. If this is not done, the blobs will remain in the Schema Area.

Same for EDIS. 

Creating a new database

To create a new database with the required extents, from proenv use the structure file (.st) from the cd folder to first create a void database with the required extents and then copy the empty database into that:

prostrct create exactcs
procopy %DLC%\prolang\utf\empty8 exactcs

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 31.629.550
 Assortment:  Date: 26-06-2024
 Release: 7.36  Attachment:

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