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Exact Synergy Enterprise   



Exact.Jobs.Workspaces is a background job that will automatically generate thumbnails for workspaces.

This background job will only generate thumbnails for new workspaces, and regenerate thumbnails for workspaces that have been modified. If a person has checked out a workspace to make changes to it, but has yet to check in the workspace, only that particular person will be able to see the changes reflected in the thumbnail. For existing workspaces that do not have any change, the thumbnails will not be regenerated.

If the “Error generating thumbnail for workspace xxx: The serialized data is invalid” error is logged at Modules ? System ? Reports ? Log ? Processes, this indicates that an error in generating the thumbnail for that particular workspace is encountered. To ensure that the thumbnail can be generated when the background job runs the next time, you will have to access the particular workspace, click Edit, and then save the workspace again.

Even if there is an error in generating the thumbnail for a workspace, the background job will continue to generate the thumbnails for other workspaces.


Technical information


Run the following background job. Note that you can copy the syntax and paste it into a text file. Save it with the ".bat" extension.


<ESE installationfolder>\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:<virtualdirectory> /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.Workspaces /CLASS:WorkspaceThumbnailGenerator


Example of syntax:

D:\SynergyNet\bin\Exact.Process.exe /DBCONFIG:SynergyNet /ASSEMBLY:Exact.Jobs.Workspaces /CLASS:WorkspaceThumbnailGenerator


The Exact.Jobs.Workspaces background job supports the following parameters. The command line parameters are case-sensitive.


This refers to the entry in the db.config file that contains the information about the location and the name of the database. Take note that the name of the virtual directory is case-sensitive.


This refers to the storing of respective functions in the DLL.


This refers to a specific function or task within the DLL.


This allows you to regenerate all the thumbnails for workspaces without the need to update the workspaces.

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 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 28.243.166
 Assortment:  Date: 02-11-2018
 Release:  Attachment:

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ESE-OH262-Exact.Jobs.Workspaces-final.docx 51.9 KB View Download