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Support of federated identity for Exact Globe+ WMS


This document describes how to configure Exact Globe+ WMS for used with Microsoft Entra ID.


To use Exact Globe+ WMS with either Microsoft Entra ID no special configuration is required. If Exact Globe+ is setup for federated identity, WMS will also run using Microsoft Entra ID.

Exact Globe+ WMS also uses windows services for background tasks. These windows services do not support Microsoft Entra ID, but only support windows authentication. This means that on the dedicated machine which is required for Exact Globe+ WMS windows services and where Exact Globe+ is installed, Exact Globe+ needs to be setup for windows authentication. By default Exact Globe+ is configured for windows authentication.

This also requires one user to be setup in Exact Globe+ for windows authentication so it can be used by these windows services. So the username setup in Exact Globe+ for this should not be in UPN format, but the active directory user name should be specified as username in Exact Globe+.

In essence this means there is no difference in setup on this machine compared to the default setup for windows authentication.

Note: The need for a dedicated machine for these windows services is always a requirement and not specific to the use with federated identity.

More information

 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 27.690.529
 Assortment:  Date: 30-07-2024
 Release: 414  Attachment: