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Getting started with Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS)


Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) is a technical framework for the integration between Exact Globe+ and Exact Synergy Enterprise. ELIS also supports the solutions that exchange data between Exact Globe+ and Exact Synergy Enterprise, and third party solutions.

You can centrally install, activate, and manage the solutions (such as Exact Integration, Shop Floor Control, Word Merge, Exchange Integration, and Central Master Data Management (CMDM)) through the control centre. Central and pro-active logging are possible whereby you can manage all the integrations from a central location. Synchronization attempts can also be made again, if errors occur.

This document contains the following information:


Note: The application servers (for example ELIS, Exact Globe+, and Exact Synergy Enterprise) must have the same time zone as the database servers.


During the installation for ELIS, two components (Exact Lightweight Integration Server Component and Exact Lightweight Integration Server Management Console) must be installed. Exact Lightweight Integration Server Component is a component of ELIS whereas Exact Lightweight Integration Server Management Console is the ELIS management console that can be installed. In addition, products and solutions in ELIS can be managed.

Creating the ELIS database

ELIS requires a database to store the information and solution files, and to monitor the information. The database must be set up once only. Once the ELIS management console starts after the installation, the database can be created.

Note: The ELIS database should be backed up regularly.

ELIS management console

Once the Exact Lightweight Integration Server Management Console component is installed, the ELIS management console will be available. The ELIS management console is the central location that allows you to manage everything related to ELIS, such as checking for updates, installing products, clients, and solutions, and viewing the logs.

For more information on installing ELIS, see How-to: Installing Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) and for more information on uninstalling ELIS, see How-to: Uninstalling Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

ELIS tools

Together with the Exact Lightweight Integration Server components, additional tools have been installed to help you with the specific tasks. These tools can be accessed via Exact Lightweight Integration Server under the Program Files folder. The tools are:

Exact Globe+ and/or Exact Synergy Enterprise

You have to install the products in the particular ELIS that you want to use. Besides installing these products in ELIS (explained in the following), the products themselves must also be installed. For example, if ELIS is used with Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+, Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ must be installed. Besides these installations, Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ must also be installed as products in ELIS.

From product update 502 onwards, Exact Globe Next is no longer supported by ELIS. If you are still using Exact Globe Next, you no longer can configure the ELIS add-ons for product update 502 with Exact Globe Next product update 424 and below.

To continue using your Globe software with ELIS, you must upgrade to Exact Globe+ product update 502. In the ELIS console screen, go to Products > Exact Globe Next. You will be required to select a pre-existing Exact Globe Next endpoint and click Upgrade. This action will upgrade the endpoint from Exact Globe Next to Exact Globe+. If you do not upgrade to Exact Globe+, you will get a warning message when you try to update the existing configurations to product update 502 in Solutions.

If you only have the product update 502 add-ons, the Configurations screen will only display the Exact Globe+ endpoints.

If your system contains product update 501 or older product updates, you will still see the Exact Globe Next endpoints when you create new configurations, but the configuration will only use the product update 501 add-ons. You can still use the existing configurations if you have the 501 update.

For more information on installing Exact Globe+ and Exact Synergy Enterprise, see How-to: Installing and updating Exact Globe+ and Exact Synergy Enterprise: Installation manual. For more information on installing Exact Globe+ and Exact Synergy Enterprise as products in ELIS, see the Creating products section in this document.

Migrate your Exact Globe Next product/endpoint to Exact Globe+

When you migrate to Exact Globe+, you must also migrate your Exact Globe Next product/endpoint and clients in ELIS.

  1. Start the ELIS management console and go to Console > Check for updates.
  2. In the Check for updates section, select Products and click Install in the Action column of Exact Globe+.
  3. On the left panel, select Exact Globe Next.
  4. Select the Exact Globe Next client you want to migrate and click Upgrade. The Exact Globe Next client is now moved from the Exact Globe Next product to the Exact Globe+ product.
  5. If you have more Exact Globe Next clients that you need to migrate, repeat the steps 3 to 5.
  6. Once all Exact Globe Next clients are migrated, you can delete the Exact Globe Next product.
  7. Click Product on the left panel, and select Exact Globe Next on the right panel.
  8. Click Remove.

Working with ELIS

ELIS management console

To be able to use ELIS, tenants, products, clients, solutions, and configurations must be added. These can be done via the ELIS management console. To open the ELIS management console, go to Start > All Programs > Exact > Exact Lightweight Integration Server Management Console. Once the ELIS management console is opened, type the name of ELIS and click Connect.

Creating tenants

Tenants can be created in the ELIS management console. This is optional. If there are multiple environments, multiple tenants can be created. For example, you can create a tenant for the production environment and a separate tenant for the test environment.

If you are installing the products and clients at a later stage, you can select the tenants that will be used for the products and clients. If the tenant has not been created, the Default tenant will be used. For more information, see How-to: Creating tenants in Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

Creating products

Once the tenants are created, the products can be created. Creating the products is mandatory and the clients must be registered at a later stage.

For example, if ELIS is used with Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+, Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ must be installed. Besides these installations, Exact Synergy Enterprise and Exact Globe+ must also be installed as products in ELIS. This can be done via the product packages. These packages contain meta data of the products and determine the options that are visible when the clients are added to the products. For more information, see How-to: Setting up client endpoints for Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

Creating clients

After creating the products, the clients can be registered in ELIS. The clients are used to configure the way ELIS connects with the products. Without this information, the products cannot be synchronized.

For example, the Exact Globe+ product package is installed. Through the client that has been created for this product, you define ELIS to look for the Exact Globe+ installation, SQL server, and a company or database. This also applies to Exact Synergy Enterprise. For example, the product package is installed for Exact Synergy Enterprise. Through the client that has been created for this product, you define ELIS to look for the Exact Synergy Enterprise installation, such as how to log in and if a request must be created when there is a synchronization error. For more information, see How-to: Setting up client endpoints for Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

Installing solutions

After defining the products and clients in ELIS, the solutions must be installed. The solutions help with the synchronization between the clients. The solutions are Exact Integrator, Word Merge, Shop Floor Control, and other solutions.

To install the solutions in ELIS, the solution package is required. The solution package is installed in ELIS. For more information, see How-to: Installing Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) under the Starting ELIS section.

Configuring solutions

After installing the solutions, the solutions must be configured before the data can be synchronized. The information will be available in the solutions.

The information provided by the solutions will display the versions of the products that the solutions support. This information is useful to manage the versions. With this information, the system can prevent the clients from being used in the configuration of the solutions if the clients and the solutions are not compatible with each other. If one of the components within the configuration (clients and solutions) is updated, the system will use the information of the version to send alerts to the configured user to inform the user that one of the components is not updated, and the component must be updated to configure the solutions. Upon configuring the solutions, the solutions must be activated. For more information, see How-to: Installing Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS) under the Starting ELIS section and How-to: Activating and deactivating solutions for Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

Processing of messages

ELIS supports the processing of messages concurrently from the same activation. However, this feature should be enabled only if the order of the execution is not important because the messages will not be processed in order. This functionality is available if the Add-on setting is configured with the concurrent flag “TRUE” whereby the performance will be improved. For more information, see ELIS-SDK: Create notification subscriber.

Monitoring the synchronization

ELIS supports the integration status logging whereby all the synchronization processes will be recorded in the log table. The administrators can keep track of the historical data of the synchronization process for analysis. For more information, see How-to: Monitoring synchronization for Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS).

Frequently asked questions

To view the frequently asked questions about ELIS, see the following documents:

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Exact Integrator for ELIS

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