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Hardware and Software requirements for Exact Synergy product update 391

These are the system requirements for product update 391 of the current technology version of Exact Synergy. Please be informed that third party software products like for example Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and Microsoft SQL Server have their own system requirements which might be different from the system requirements of Exact Synergy.

A complete overview of the system requirements per product update, can be found at the startpage of the system requirements.

The hardware and software requirements for product update 391 have not changed compared to product update 390.

General requirements

  Minimal system requirements
Operating system Windows 2000 Professional + Service Pack 4 or higher

Windows XP + Service Pack 2 or higher (32 or 64 bit)

Windows Vista Ultimate, Business or Enterprise Edition (32 or 64 bit)
MS Internet Explorer version Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 + Service Pack 1

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
MS Office version Microsoft Office XP

Microsoft Office 2003
Microsoft Office 2007
Monitor resolution Screen resolution of 1024x768
Internal memory 64 MB
Server software
  Minimal system requirements
Operating system
(Webserver + Databaseserver)
Microsoft Windows Server 2000

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

For the webserver only the 32 bit version of Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 is supported
Database system
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 + Service Pack 4
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 + Service Pack 2
Microsoft Office XP

Microsoft Office 2003
Microsoft Office 2007
Network and security
  Microsoft Internet Information Server uses the standard Internet protocol TCP / IP to communicate with the client browsers. A client needs a minimal connection speed of 56.6 Kb connection to acquire acceptable performance although lower connection speeds do not directly affect the integrity of the application. A connection between a client and the Application Server can be set up directly using a local area network, but a global infrastructure like the Internet can be used just as well. When separate Application Servers are used, they should be connected to the Database server with a 100 Mb local area network connection.
  The Internet, and all its related products, is commonly referred to as 'insecure'. This is directly related to the open nature of its technology which is in fact one of its greatest benefits. When implementing e-Synergy, a number of strict security policies must be maintained to protect both the application software and data against malicious acts. Total system security includes various types of safety measurements, each with their own characteristics and demands for maintenance. The necessary security policies are not limited to the e-Synergy application alone; the integrity of all elements of the entire system must be assured.
  e-Synergy data traffic is vulnerable along the entire path between the Client and the Application Server (and even up to the Database Server). This means that all traffic paths, the data source, the data destination and data storage have to be protected. The best way to do this is to use data encryption (HTTPS) for the e-Synergy Application Server and install a firewall to separate the company's Local Area Network (LAN) from the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) (with the public web servers) and the Internet. For more information about this issue, read security checklist of e-Synergy.


Server hardware requirements for 1-50 connections

The application is installed as a program on the IIS web server and all data is stored in an SQL database, which is stored on a Microsoft SQL Database Server . Both the IIS web server and the SQL database can be installed on the same machine in small e-Synergy implementations (up to 50 concurrent connections).

Single server setup
  Minimal system requirements Recommended system requirements
Processor 1 x Pentium III 600 MHz 2 X Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz
Internal memory 512 MB 2 GB
Hard disk IDE 10 GB SCSI 72 GB (Raid 5)


Server hardware requirements for 50-150 connections

When more connections are required or use of a large database can be expected, the IIS web server should be installed on a single separate machine (suitable for up to 150 connections). This results in a setup with an Application Server (IIS + e-Synergy) and a separate Database Server (SQL). Note that the Client only communicates with the Application Server (IIS).

Dual server setup - Internet Information Server
  Minimal system requirements Recommended system requirements
Processor 1 x Pentium III 700 MHz 2 X Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz
Internal memory 512 MB 1,5 GB
Hard disk IDE 6 GB SCSI 18 GB
Dual server setup - Microsoft SQL Server
  Minimal system requirements Recommended system requirements
Processor 1 x Pentium IV 1 GHz 2 X Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz
Internal memory 1 GB 2 GB
Hard disk SCSI 50 GB SCSI 72 GB (Raid 5)


Server hardware requirements for 150-500 connections

When dealing with even more concurrent connections, the workload of the application server can be divided over several Application Servers. This results in a more reliable situation with better performance. A dedicated piece of hardware, the 'load balancer', can divide all traffic among several (up to 50 or more concurrent connections) Application Servers which all connect to the same database server to store and retrieve data.

Multi server setup - Internet Information Server (Multiple)
  Minimal system requirements Recommended system requirements
Processor 1 x Pentium III 700 MHz 2 X Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz
Internal memory 512 MB 2 GB
Hard disk IDE 6 GB SCSI 18 GB
Multi server setup - Microsoft SQL Server
  Minimal system requirements Recommended system requirements
Processor 1 x Pentium IV 1 GHz 2 X Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz
Internal memory 1 GB 4 GB
Hard disk SCSI 80 GB SCSI 144 GB (Raid 5)
Load balancer
For example Foundry Server Iron Load balancer (8 ports)


General requirements

  • Regularly backup the administrations/databases and store the backup on a different media device
    (not the machine where the Microsoft SQL Server is installed);
  • Perform regular database maintenance;
  • To update the software via the internet an internet connection is needed;
  • Use scalable hardware;
  • The system requirements are based on the usage of Exact e-Synergy only, if other applications are used on the same machines the requirements should be increased;
  • Every new service pack is supported automatically by Exact, unless explicitly announced otherwise;
  • The use of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on one server is not supported.

Related links



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.099.317
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release: 392  Attachment: