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Central Warehouse and support of 'rule' items

Some general notes on using the

Rule items are the item codes that can be entered in the 'specifics' part of a sales order. Central Warehouse supports rule items that are entered in the sales order in the 'central' company (so in fact, the 'intercompany' sales order), which can be used to charge intercompany freight cost, for example. Rule items entered in the sales order in the 'sales' company are disregared by Central Warehouse (all 'phantom' items are disregared here).

It is necessary to set up the Central Warehouse VAT codes in menu System/Pick-IT/Central Warehouse/CW VAT links, because it is not possible to link a supplier to a rule item (where the purchase VAT code would be configured)
For these rule items, Central Warehouse will also support the general Globe setting in System/General/Settings/General Ledger settings, General: "Invoices/items to be received per item". Without this setting, the amount for the rule item would still be entered on the G/L account for "invoices to be received", which is not correct because there is no receipt created for this item. So activate the mentioned Globe setting and set the specific "to be received" G/L account for the rule item to a specific P&L cost account.

Rule items are supported from Central Warehouse release 1320 (Globe 393 and higher, september 2009), the setting items to be received per item is supported from CW release 1093 (Globe 393 and higher, July 2009).

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 20.178.441
 Assortment:  Date: 02-02-2010
 Release:  Attachment:

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