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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - Direct entries

File name: prdentry.csv

No Field name Type Format H/S/B Ref Description Remarks Default
1 adm_nr INT N6 B admdat Company number Mandatory -
2 line_nr INT N4 B - Line number 0 for header -
3 entry_nr INT N8 H - Entry number - ?=first available
4 result_type INT N6 H - Result type 400501/400502 400501
5 input_type INT N6 H - Input type Mandatory


6 description CHAR A30 B - Description - -
7 date DATE DD/MM/YYYY S - Date - ?=system date
8 project_code CHAR A10 S prmst Project code Mandatory -
9 amount DEC N9,2 S   Amount - -
10 cost_cat_code CHAR A8 S prccat Cost category Mandatory -
11 cost_center CHAR A8 S ccent Cost center Mandatory *
12 cost_unit CHAR A8 S cunit Cost unit - *

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
4 For costs enter 400501, for revenues enter 400502. If this field is left empty, costs (400501) will be used as default.
5 You should enter 400401 for standard entries and 400402 for schedule entries.
7 When entering a '?', the current date will be used.
10 This cost category should be of the type 'Direct'.
11 If you have defined in your settings that you want to be able to change the cost center when making an entry, then every cost center can be entered here. If you stated that changing the cost center is not allowed, you will have to use the cost center you defined on the project master card. A '?' can be used to use the default value of the project master card.
125 The cost unit of the project master card should be entered here. If you enter a '?', Exact Financials will retrieve this cost unit automatically.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Project > Direct entries

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.326.082
 Assortment:  Date: 03-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: