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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

How-to: Migrating to document type management structure


Document types provide a more logical way to manage your documents instead of segregating them by categories. You have the option to migrate the document structure from categories to types by performing the migration process.

Before a database is converted into the document type structure, the existing document categories need to be mapped to the available document types. After the mapping has been done, only then can the final conversion be carried out. The final database conversion is a non-reversible process. As such, you can continue using Exact Synergy Enterprise after the mapping process even though it has not been fully converted.

The following sections describe all three processes required to fully migrate and convert the database to the document type structure.


The buttons are described in the relevant section.



Before you can begin the migration process, your database must be Unicode-compliant. For more information, see Database Conversion Manual.

After the conversion, the templating tool can be used to export the new document types from Exact Synergy Enterprise, and to import them again to activate Exact Lightweight Integration Server (ELIS), before they can be synchronized to Exact Globe Next. Note that the synchronization will only be applicable if the same document types exist in Exact Globe Next. 

Migration process

The steps taken in mapping the document types are as follows:

1.    If you installed Exact Synergy Enterprise via the MSI installer, double-click the ESEDbUpgrade.exe shortcut that have been created at your desktop or go to Microsoft Windows Start button, Programs, <location of the database upgrade application file>.

2.    Next at Server, fill in the server name. A list of valid Exact Synergy or Exact Synergy Enterprise databases will be displayed in the list. Then, select the Exact Synergy Enterprise database that you want to convert to Unicode at Database. By default, <your full computer name minus the domain name\database instance> will be filled in automatically at Server. For example: THAM112125\sql2005.

3.    Next, click Connect to connect to the database. If the connection is successful, you will see the following screen: 


4.    At the Maintenance icon, click Document Structure Migration. A warning message will be displayed to inform you that the document structure migration process is not reversible and ask if you want to continue. Click Yes to continue. You will see the following screen:


5.    For Step 1 of 3: Migrate Document to Document Type, you can select the document category under the Document Categories column followed by the corresponding document type (by clicking and then double-clicking the document type) that you want to migrate. A message "Set all categories/subcategories under <'document category selected> to document type '*<document type selected'>?" will be displayed. Click OK to automatically fill in the selected document type for all the subcategories of the selected document category. To select other document types for the subcategories, click Cancel. Alternatively, you can fill in the default document types for the document categories/subcategories automatically by clicking Fill in Default Document Types and then Yes.

      Note: It is not necessary to map the document subcategories to document types all at once before the migration starts. However, you must map all the document subcategories before you can begin Step 2 of 3: Convert Document URL. There may be situations where different categories happen to have the same name. In this instance, it is not advisable to map these categories to different document types as this will confuse the system during the migration process.

6.    Once you have mapped the document categories/subcategories to the required document types, click Start Migration to begin the mapping process. Only after all the document subcategories have been mapped to document types will the following screen be displayed:


7.    Then, click Next and the following screen will be displayed:

8.    For Step 2 of 3: Convert Document URL, click Start to convert the document URLs. This is to ensure all links are mapped correctly. After this step has been carried out, you will see the following screen:


9.    Click Next and the following screen will be displayed:


10.    For Step 3 of 3: Convert to Standard Document Structure, click Start to fully convert to document type structure. The following screen will be displayed:


11.    Click Next to complete the document structure migration process. The following screen will be displayed:

12.    Click Finish to return to the icons available after your database has been converted.

Note: If you encountered the "Input string was not in a correct format." error when creating or opening a document after the migration process, reset the Internet Information Service (IIS).

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