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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Project master card

Project master card

Filename: prmst.csv

No  Field name Format Ref Description Default Remarks
1 adm_nr >>>>>9 admdat Company

A company with this number must exist

2 project_code X(10) Project

Mandatory (capitalized)
Cannot be more than 10 characters

3 description X(30) Description *
4 descr_ml[1] X(30) Description multi-language 1 *
5 descr_ml[2] X(30) Description multi-language 2 *
6 descr_ml[3] X(30) Description multi-language 3 *
7 descr_ml[4] X(30) Description multi-language 4 *
8 descr_ml[5] X(30) Description multi-language 5 *
9 search_code X(10) Search code first 10 characters of description *
10 invoice_group_code X(8) pringh Invoice group


11 project_group_code X(8) prgrp Project group

Cannot be updated.

12 startdate 99/99/9999  Startdate ? -
13 enddate 99/99/9999 Enddate ? -
14 cost_center X(8) ccent Cost center


15 cost_unit X(8) cunit Cost unit


16 debtor >>>>>>>9  debtor Debtor

If invoice_group_code is filled then mandatory

17 creditor X(8) creditor  Creditor


18 contract_amt >>>,>>>,>>9.99 Contract amount 0 Check precision with currency amount precision
19 project_manager X(8) premp Project manager


20 budget_manager X(8) premp  Budget manager


21 location_code X(8) prloc Location


22 type_code  X(8) prtype Type


23 state_code X(8) prstat Status


24 phasing_code X(8) prphsn Phase list


25 curr_code X(3) curren Currency default currency code

Cannot be updated.

26 rate_int >>>,>>>,>>9.99 Internal rate ? Check precision with currency amount precision
27 rate_ext >>>,>>>,>>9.99 External rate ? Check precision with currency amount precision
28 remark_1 X(60) Remarks *
29 remark_2  X(60) Remarks *
30 txt X(1000) Note Fills prmst_t
31 date_ready 99/99/9999 Date ready ? If percentage complete = 100 and date_ready = ? then fill with TODAY
32 date_closed 99/99/9999 Closed ?

If closing project (date_closed <> ?) then

  • Project must be blocked
  • Project must be 100% complete
  • Project must have no uninvoiced installment lines ( prinss.invoice_code = 0 AND prinss.invoice_nr = 0 )
  • Project must have no unposted entries (prhes, prdes, pries, prmes, prxes)
  • Project must have no journalizing data ( prjamt.date_in_process = ? OR prjamt.date_released = ? )
33  block True/False Block False -
34  percentage >>>9.99 Percentage complete 0 -

* = standard description field check, ie if ? then "", if length > format length then truncate field to format length
** = standard referenced field check, ie if ? then "" or 0 (dependent on format), field must exist in reference table and (if applicable) may not be blocked. 

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > Data import > Exact Project C/S > Project master card

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.832
 Assortment:  Date: 09-09-2005
 Release:  Attachment: