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Overview of payment conditions

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System ➔ General ➔ Countries ➔ Payment conditions


A payment condition is linked to a sales invoice or purchase invoice. The conditions include payment agreements made with customers or suppliers concerning the invoice. These may consist of issues such as payment terms, agreements on installment payments, and the bank account to be used for making or receiving payments. In Exact Globe Next, a unique code is assigned for each payment condition. In this screen, all created payment conditions are displayed. From this overview, you can:

  • recode existing payment conditions
  • create payment conditions
  • modify existing payment conditions, or delete the selected payment conditions.

How do I recode an existing payment condition?

  1. In the main screen, select the required payment condition and click Recode.
  2. A confirmation message, “This process may take some time. Continue?” will be displayed.
  3. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel recoding.

How do I create a payment condition?

  1. In the main screen, create New. The Payment conditions screen will be displayed.
  2. Define the relevant fields.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I edit an existing payment condition?

  1. In the main screen, select the required payment condition and click Open.
  2. The Payment conditions screen will be displayed.
  3. Define the relevant fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Close to return to the main payment conditions screen.

Keep in mind: All fields with the “!” icon are mandatory.

How do I delete a payment condition?

  1. In the main screen, select the required payment condition.
  2. Click Delete. A message asking you to confirm the deletion will be displayed.
  3. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel.




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