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Exact Financials   

Connectivity Manual - Commitments

File name: commitm.csv

Nr Field name Type Format H/S/B Ref. Description Remarks Default
1 adm_nr INT N6 B admdat Company * -
2 line-nr-lis INT N4 B   Line no Mandatory -
3 commitment_nr INT N8 B   Commitment number Mandatory -
4 creditor INT N8 S credit Creditor Mandatory -
5 fin-yr INT N4 S   Financial year Mandatory -
6 acc-nr CHAR A9 S ledger Account Mandatory -
7 amt_cur DEC N15,2 S   Amount FC Mandatory -
8 descr CHAR A30 B   Description - -
9 search_code CHAR A9 H   Search code - -
10 class CHAR X2 H comcls Classification - -
11 block LOG J/N B   Block - No
12 cost-center CHAR A8 S ccent Cost center - -
13 cost-unit CHAR A8 S cunit Cost unit - -
14 qty DEC N10,2 S   Quantity - -
15 mcode1 CHAR A8 S mdim1 Multi dimension 1 - -
16 mcode2 CHAR A8 S mdim2 Multi dimension 2 - -
17 mcode3 CHAR A8 S mdim3 Multi dimension 3 - -
18 mcode4 CHAR A8 S mdim4 Multi dimension 4 - -
19 mcode5 CHAR A8 S mdim5 Multi dimension 5 - -
20 PRO-project_code CHAR A10 S prmst Project code - -
21 PRO_cost_cat CHAR A8 S prccat Project cost category - -
22 PRO_cost_center CHAR A8 S ccent Project cost center - -
23 PRO_qty DEC N10,2 S   Project quantity - -
24 cntr_nr CHAR A8 S comctr Contract number - -
25 request_date DATE DDMMYYYY S   Entry date - -
26 start_date DATE DDMMYYYY S   Start date - -
27 end_date DATE DDMMYYYY S   End date - -
28 curr-code CHAR A3 S curren Currency - -
29 exch_rate DEC N5,6 S   Exchange rate - -
30 EXTRA-exch-rate-type INT N1 H   Rate format 0/1 *

Clarification of the fields:

Field Clarification
1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.
2 0 for headers, >0 for sublines (1 for the first line, 2 for the second line etc.)
20-23 These fields will only need to be filled if you defined in [Finance: File, Company settings, Financial preferences] that a project link is optional or mandatory and the entry concerns a project account. In case you have set this option to 'Optional' it is possible to import project data. In case you have set this option to 'Mandatory' the entry will be rejected if you do not enter project data or the project data is not appropriately filled.
30 If you want to use Anglo-Saxon notation (Euro notation) for exchange rates you should enter 1, if you want to use the 'old' exchange rate enter 0. If this field is left empty, the settings you defined in [Finance: File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'Miscellaneous' tab will take effective.
NOTE: as of version 3.50 this fields is no longer supported.

Connectivity > Data import > Available import formats > Finance > Commitments

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 18.324.762
 Assortment:  Date: 02-10-2015
 Release:  Attachment: