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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual C/S - Cost centers

Cost centers

File: finance\interf\ifccent.p

Table name: ccent

Nr Field name Type Form Ref Description Default value Check/Action Error number F/W
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company   Field must be filled 100001 F
              A company with this number must exist 100002 F
2 cost-center CHAR A8   Cost center   Field must be filled 203001 F
              Cannot be more than 8. 203004 F
3 descr CHAR A25   Description   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
4 descr-ml[1] CHAR A25   Description multi-language 1   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
5 descr-ml[2] CHAR A25   Description multi-language 2   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
6 descr-ml[3] CHAR A25   Description multi-language 3   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
7 descr-ml[4] CHAR A25   Description multi-language 4   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
8 descr-ml[5] CHAR A25   Description multi-language 5   If ? then set to ""; otherwise cannot be more than 25. 20001 W
9 acc-nr CHAR A9 ledger Account   If filled then it has to be a profit and loss account. 200811 W
              If filled then it cannot be blocked account. 200808 W
              If filled then it cannot be a sub total account or empty account. 200806 W
              Can only be filled if user has license for "016 Cost analysis 2 - Cost allocation". 206406 W
              If filled then it must be an existing account. 200803 W
              Field can also be empty. In that case no offset account can be entered as well.    
10 acc-nr-contra* CHAR A9 ledger Offset account   If filled then it must be an existing account. 200803 F
              If filled then it has to be a profit and loss account. 200811 F
              If filled then it cannot be blocked account. 200808 F
              If filled then it cannot be a sub total account or empty account. 200806 F
              Can only be filled if acc-nr is filled. 206405 W
              Can only be filled if user has license for "016 Cost analysis 2 - Cost allocation". 206406 W
              If acc-nr is filled, then this field cannot be empty. 200801 F
11 block LOG     Block False      
12 distr-level INT N2   Allocation level 1 If "" or ?, then field value will be set to 1.    
              Allocation level cannot be zero or negative. 203005 F
              Allocation level cannot be greater than 99. 203006 F
              Can only be filled if user has license for "016 Cost analysis 2 - Cost allocation". 206406 W
              In cost allocation menu, if the cost center is one which is allocated one (target cost center), then value of this field cannot be decreased below its existing value. 203007 W
              In cost allocation menu, if the cost center is one which allocates its value to other cost centers (source cost center), then value of this field cannot be increased above its existing value. 203008 W
13 distr-tarif DEC N15,4   Standard rate   Can only be filled if user has license for "016 Cost analysis 2 - Cost allocation". 206406 W
              If "Subsequent cost" has been selected as Method of allocation on the "General" tab in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences], then this field cannot be updated. 203009 W

* If the method of allocation is set to "Predetermined costs" this field represents "Cost control account". If the method of allocation is set to "Subsequent cost" this field is used for "Coverage account". The method of allocation is defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'General' tab.

Connectivity Manual C/S - Contents > IFALL > Cost centers

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.701
 Assortment:  Date: 25-04-2005
 Release:  Attachment: