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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual - Creditor master data

Creditor master data

File name: credit.csv

No Field name Type Format Ref Description Remarks Default
1 adm-nr INT N6 admdat Company * -
2 creditor INT N8 - Creditor Mandatory *
3 name CHAR A30 - Name - -
4 address-1 CHAR A30 - Address 1 - -
5 address-2 CHAR A30 - Address 2 - -
6 postal-code CHAR A8 - Postal code - -
7 city CHAR A30 - City - -
8 country CHAR A3 countr Country - -
9 search-code CHAR A15 - Search code Mandatory *
10 curr-code CHAR A3 curren Currency - -
11 telephone CHAR A15 - Telephone - -
12 fax-nr CHAR A15 - Fax - -
13 contact CHAR A30 - Contact - -
14 sex CHAR A1 - Sex M/V/U Unknown
15 title-code CHAR A4 titles Title - -
16 initials CHAR A10 - Initials - -
17 func-desc CHAR A30 - Position - -
18 telephone-contact CHAR A15 - Telephone contact - -
19 bank-acc-nr-1 CHAR A34 - Bank account 1 Fatal *
20 bank-acc-nr-2 CHAR A34 - Blocked account Fatal *
21 bank name CHAR A30 - Name bank - -
22 empty - - - - - -
23 postbank-acc-nr CHAR A34 - Postbank account. Fatal *
24 pay-method CHAR A1 - Payment method K/B/G/I/E/C/A/R/O/N Setting
25 acc-nr-contra CHAR A9 ledger Offset account - -
26 journal-nr INT N3 journl Journal - *
27 attention LOG J/N - Attention field - No
28 cat CHAR A2 crdcat Category - -
29 surch DEC N15,2 - Credit line - -
30 auto-payment LOG J/N - Automatic payment - Yes (j)
31 pay-condition CHAR A4 paycon Payment condition - -
32 block LOG J/N - Block - No (n)
33 cust-nr CHAR A10 - Customer number - -
34 empty - - - - - -
35 empty - - - - - -
36 disc-perc DEC N3,2 - Discount percentage - -
37 empty - - - - - -
38 lang-code CHAR A3 lang Language - -
39 empty - - - - - -
40 empty - - - - - -
41 empty - - - - - -
42 empty - - - - - -
43 empty - - - - - -
44 empty - - - - - -
45 empty - - - - - -
46 empty - - - - - -
47 empty - - - - - -
48 empty - - - - - -
49 empty - - - - - -
50 empty - - - - - -
51 vat-nr CHAR A20 - VAT-number - -
52 check-date DATE DDMMYYYY - Check date - Current date
53 bank-type CHAR A3 bnktpe Bank account type - *
54 bank_curr_code CHAR A3 curren Bank account currency code - *

Clarification of the fields

1 This field is only a part of the import format, when the option 'Company number' is enabled. When this option is not enabled, this field should be skipped.
2 If a '?' is entered here, the last used creditor number will be increased with the increment factor defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] on the 'Subadmin.' Tab. Creditor number 0 cannot be used.
9 If the field 'Search code' is left empty, the first 15 characters of the creditor's name will be used.
14 'M' for Male, 'V' for Female, and if this field is left empty, Unknown will be entered during import.
19,20,23 These fields will be checked using the bank account type entered in field 52. If one of these fields contains an illegal value, the whole record will be rejected. If no bank account type is entered, the check of the bank account types defined in the settings in [File, Company settings, General settings] on the 'General' tab in the System menu, will be used. If the bank account numbers entered do not meet the checks, the whole record will be rejected.
24 K = Cash
B = Bank
G = Giro
I = Collect
E = Acceptgiro
C = Cheques
R = Remittance
O = Bill of exchange
N = Bill of exchange bank

If this field is left empty, the payment method defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] will be used as default.

26 The journal selected in this journal, should be a purchase journal.
53 If this field is left empty, the default bank account type defined in [File, Company settings, Financial preferences] will be used.

Connectivity Manual - Contents > Data import > Finance > Creditor master data

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.814
 Assortment:  Date: 18-01-2007
 Release:  Attachment: