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Exact Financials (v3)   

Connectivity Manual - IFALL introduction

IFALL introduction

In Exact Financials the IFALL (InterFace ALLiances) modules take care of data validation, for example: changing debtor data or creating a financial entry. The benefit of the IFALL modules is that they centralize the business logic checks in Exact Financials. The IFALL modules can be used as a standard check to see whether your data complies with the requirements of Exact Financials.

The IFALL modules have been created for our partners in order to enable them to create an online interface to Exact Financials. Since Exact Financials is programmed in Progress, the IFALL modules are only available in the Progress versions that are supported by Exact. All IFALL modules use the same unambiguous interface , which makes using them easy.

The necessary sources (temp-table includes and function forward declares) of the IFALL modules and examples are available:

IFALL version 1

As of Exact Generation XL - Financials version 3.30 IFALL version 1 is no longer supported!

IFALL version 2

The second generation of IFALLs, introduced in version 2.2, is based on temp-tables. Procedures can be used to create data in Exact Financials tables. This version was only able to send one error message at a time. So it could read the record till the first error was found. Then the records were rejected. The files for these modules can be found in the directory <package>/interf.

IFALL version 3

The third generation of IFALLs, introduced in version 3.0, is also based on temp-tables. Functions are used to pass data to Exact Financials. The following functions can be used:

  • Update : update existing data
  • Create : create new data
  • Assign : update existing data and create new data
  • Delete : delete existing data
  • Find : find data, for example for displaying purposes. When the 'Find' function is used two identical temp-tables are returned. One of the temp-tables can be used to make changes, the other is used for multi-user checking

For this version an error queue has been added. IFALL is now able to handle more error messages at once. IFALL will always perform all checks at once and a messages can be returned with the results. Depending on the kind of error a record will be rejected or accepted. For version 3 IFALLs, warnings have been added. Some fields in Exact Financials are mandatory. If you try to fill them with an illegal value, the record will always be rejected (fatal error). Some fields are not mandatory. If an illegal value is entered in these fields, the record will not be rejected, but the default value will be used to fill these fields (warning). However, it is also possible to treat warnings as fatals. This means that the record will be rejected if it contains a warning. The files for these modules can be found in the directory <package>/interf.

IFALL version 4

The fourth generation of IFALLs, introduced in version 3.2, is also based on temp-tables. The temp-tables are however no longer defined directly but generated by a 'preprocessor engine'. The advantage of IFALL4 is that the maintenance application and EDIS import scripts are also based on the same include file, the maintenance application also uses the IFALL4 for validation. The result is that there is now only one important include file which dictates the default handling and checks for the maintenance application and for IFALL validation.

The functions and error checking work in the same manner as for IFALL3. An extra function is available:

  • Search: returns all records that meet the provided selection criteria (only equality for now), see document 07.056.908 for details.

As of version 3.40 a more dynamic IFALL4 interface is available reducing the need to recompile, see document 12.354.256 for details.

IFALL version 5

The fifth generation of IFALL, introduced in version 7.0, is fully dynamic. See document 18.240.680 'How to: Use IFALL' for details.

IFALL block

For the following IFALL modules the field ifall_block is available:

  • debtors
  • creditors
  • g/l accounts
  • journals
  • direct entries
  • machinery entries
  • item entries
  • hour entries

If this field is set to 'TRUE' the data will be blocked for changes in Exact Financials. When this functionality is used for debtors and creditors, the data cannot be changed in Exact Financials, so that you only have to maintain your debtors and creditors in one application. When you block your entries for changes, you are sure that the entries will be posted without being changed. Via the support toolbox, an application is available to unlock the data.

Connectivity Manual - Contents > IFALL > Introduction

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 01.642.693
 Assortment:  Date: 01-12-2008
 Release:  Attachment: