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WMS: Consequences when updating from Pick-IT or Central Warehouse 397 or earlier


From product update 398, all customers using standard WMS or ICL can use one and the same software set, standard available with an Exact Globe update.

This document lists the consequences for your situation when you are updating from version 397 or earlier, to 398 or higher.



In product update 397 or earlier, Pick-IT or Central Warehouse had to be installed separately as an 'add-on'. 

There were separate installation sets for 'Pick-IT CAB' and for 'Pick-IT ASP', where the 'Pick-IT CAB' software set was in 'maintenance mode'. Pick-IT ASP was introduced from product update 393.

From product update 398, WMS and ICL software is included in the Exact Globe product update procedure, offering the same basic functionality for 'CAB' and 'ASP' usage.

However, specific new functionality, like SKU Management, can only be used on the hand terminal when using 'ASP' as communication method.


Please note that more than one section may apply to your specific situation.


Upgrading from Pick-IT CAB 397 or earlier (any communication method)

  • Just update Exact Globe to release 398, do not install any separate Pick-IT set anymore after updating Globe 398.
  • The RF services still have to be re-installed, but now from the Globe folder INSTALL\E-WMS\Services. The service installer files have been renamed!
  • Please update your installation procedure accordingly if you had documented this procedure
  • You can now benefit from up-to-date WMS releases (since Pick-IT CAB version was only 'maintained' and added no new functionality, while 'ASP' would contain new functionality)
  • You can choose to use ASP (IIS server with browser on terminals) instead of CAB software on the terminals. When using CAB you can not use all new functionality available in WMS.
  • When you consider migrating to WMS ASP, please evaluate the ASP functionality for all your processes in a test environment first and read Plan of approach migrating Pick-IT 'non ASP' to E-WMS ASP

    When using communication method Activesync or File:
  • Change the default E-WMS communication folder in menu System/General/Settings/E-WMS General to C:\E-WMS instead of C:\Pickit.
    The folder C:\E-WMS will be the new default communication folder, but this setting is intentionally not changed during an update to Globe 398 or higher.
    If this setting is not changed, you will see an error when communicating with a hand terminal.

Customers upgrading from Central Warehouse 397 or earlier 

  • Just update to release 398, do not install any separate Central Warehouse set anymore after downloading the Globe 398 update.
  • The ICL services still have to be re-installed, but now from the Globe folder ..\INSTALL\ICL\Services. The service installer files have been renamed!
  • Please update your installation procedure accordingly if you had documented your installation procedure
  • Since older versions of Central Warehouse were in maintenance mode, you may encounter changed functionality in ICL. Please read the release notes, ICL known issues and


Customers upgrading from Pick-IT ASP 397 or earlier

  • Just update to release 398 and do not install any Pick-IT set anymore, after downloading the Globe 398 update.
  • The RF services still have to be re-installed, but now from the Globe folder INSTALL\E-WMS\Services. The service installer files have been renamed!
  • the IIS server (always) has to be updated with the new ASP files from the ZIP file containing the ASP files. 
  • Please update your installation procedure accordingly if you had documented the update procedure.
  • After opening and updating the database, change the setting Communication to Scanner - ASP in all E-WMS or E-Mobile Sales setting tabs in menu System/General/Settings.
  • Please read Updating an existing E-WMS ASP environment: points of interest and the release notes.


'Pick-IT' or 'Central Warehouse' customized reports

  • If you were using a customized 'Pick-IT' or 'Central Warehouse' report, check that the name of this report does not start with 'pickit' or 'exeapickit'.
    If it does, you will have to re-enter the report name again in the corresponding E-WMS settings after each database update in the future.
    A better solution is to rename the report and use another prefix (like 'custom' + report name) and change the corresponding setting accordingly.
  • When upgrading from Globe 394 or earlier, it will be necessary to convert any custom 'Pick-IT' reports from Crystal Reports 8 to Crystal Reports XI.


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