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Je kunt nu het type toeslagen definiëren voor niet-Euro betalingen die worden verricht naar landen buiten of binnen de SEPA-zone. Dit is alleen van toepassing op SEPA-overschrijvingen, uitgezonderd de...

You can now define the type of charges for the non-Euro transactions that are made to countries outside of or within the SEPA zone. This enhancement is applicable only to the SEPA credit transfers and...

Exact Globe+ has been supporting SCT 001.001.03 and SDD 008.001.02. However, these two versions will only be supported until November 2025. In this product update, Exact Globe+ will also suppor...

When SEPA credit transfer or direct debit is enabled for acash instrument at the cash instrument maintenance, the Security Summary Method field will be available inthe Settings tab.The options availab...

The generation of the SCT and SDD files hasbeen enhanced whereby the file generation process will now be performed on thetemporary folder of your machine. The files that have been successfully andcomp...