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32.060.966 - PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): New SEPA SCT and SDD file formats supported
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
Exact Globe+ has been supporting SCT 001.001.03 and SDD 008.001.02. However, these two versions will only be supported until November 2025. In this product update, Exact Globe+ will also suppor...
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28.241.162 - Product Update 416: New options introduced to ease the searching of INTRASTAT transactions (EU legislation)
By Wai Ting Yong
To ease the search of INTRASTAT transactions at Invoice ? Statistics ? Intrastat, theImport and Export options have been introduced. These options areonly applicable to the EU legislation.The option s...
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24.325.571 - Product Update 406: SEPA Credit Transfer and Direct Debit formats introduced to several countries
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
In this product update, the SEPA PAIN format for SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) and SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) has been introduced to various countries. SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT)The SEPA PAIN format PAIN.00...
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20.072.520 - Product Update 396/397: Default Value-Added Tax (VAT) Codes for European Union (EU) Countries when Making Logistics and Financial Entries
By Suthichana Tharmapalan
IntroductionAs of 1 January 2010, there have been changes to the current value-added tax (VAT) accounting and reporting processes. For one of the VAT systems, the European Community (EU) Sales List, t...
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19.635.619 - Product Update 395/396: New Value-Added Tax (VAT) Rules for European Union (EU) Countries
By Sumathi K. Karalasingam
IntroductionAs of 1 January 2010, fundamental changes to the current value-added tax (VAT) accounting and reporting processes must take place. These significant changes include rules on place of suppl...
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17.549.766 - Release 390: SEPA for Exact Globe
By Caroline Yap
New Page 2IntroductionThe Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) is a newly introduced single integrated payments environment for countries within the SEPA region. This refers to all countries in the Europea...
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17.376.324 - Release 390: Enhancement to Country of Origin per Item for Intrastat in Purchase Order
By Gregory Lee Joo Seng
IntroductionIntroductionThe Country of Origin per Item for Intrastat in purchase orders generated from Purchase/Entries/Purchase orders is implemented in release 380 for EU countries. For more informa...
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16.588.378 - Release 390: Non-deductible VAT Supported in Multiple Tax Module
By Wan Chee Lau
Menu pathIntroductionThe non-deductible VAT functionality in the purchase journal is implemented in Exact Globe within the standard functionality of VAT. Besides the VAT functionalities, the multiple ...
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15.596.492 - Release 380 : Synchronize Tax Calculation for Payment Discount in Sales Invoice
By Kian Beng Quah
New Page 1Background Inprevious release of Exact Globe, when the General Ledger Settings: Tax &Discount Calculation option is set to Tax calculated over net invoiceamount including discount (menu path...
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15.348.447 - Release 380: Country of origin for Intrastat
By Kian Beng Quah
BackgroundMenu path Purchase / Entries / Purchase OrdersPurchase / Items / MaintainOrder / Items / MaintainInventory / Items / Maintain Background In previous release of Exact Globe, the Countryof Or...
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14.931.191 - Release 380: Non-deductible VAT is now supported for Denmark and Sweden
By Wan Chee Lau
Menu pathMenu Path General ledger settings - System / General / Settings VAT code maintenance - System / General / Countries / Tax codes General ledger maintenance - Finance / General le...
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14.867.995 - Release 380: Intrastat return for Sweden
By Kian Beng Quah
BackgroundBackgroundPreviously, Sweden used a genericlayout to generate return for INTRASTAT. The INTRASTAT Return layoutspecifically for Sweden was not available.From Release 380, Intrastat specifica...
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14.787.245 - Release 380: Storno functionality extended to other legislations
By Lee Choo Lim
Background In Exact Globe, Storno presentation is supported for the following legislations via the Reversal entry setting in General ledger settings : Poland Czech Slova...
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