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32.060.966 - PU 504 | 503 | 502 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): New SEPA SCT and SDD file formats supported
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
Exact Globe+ has been supporting SCT 001.001.03 and SDD 008.001.02. However, these two versions will only be supported until November 2025. In this product update, Exact Globe+ will also suppor...
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31.836.590 - PU 503 | 502 | 501 (Globe+) and 424 (Globe): Country code and VAT number will be displayed in EU sales list reports based on VAT number of country or delivery address (Austrian legislation)
By Jo-Anna Goh Li Ping
When generating the EU sales list reports, the VAT number ofthe transactions that will be included in the reports will be retrieved basedon the country or delivery address of the invoice debtors. The ...
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30.620.159 - PU 423|422|421 (Globe) and 500|422|421 (Globe+): New VAT Overview screen (Austrian legislation)
By Marcel Thijssen
Exact has introduced a new menu path for the Austrian legislation. From this product update onwards, the menu path Finance
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29.920.063 - Product Updates 421 and 420: VAT return form for 2020 available (Austrian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
Effective July 2020, the Austrian tax authorities requireVAT returns to be reported using the new layout. In line with the newrequirement, the following changes have been implemented in Exact Globe, a...
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28.979.010 - Produkt Updates 418, 417 und 416: Änderungen Österreichische Kammerumlage 2019 (Österreichische Gesetzgebung)
By Ella Koops
Die Kammerumlagen 1 und 2 (KU1und KU2) dienen der Finanzierung derWirtschaftskammer. Grundsätzlich unterliegen alle Mitglieder derWirtschaftskammern der Umlagenpflicht. Die Kammerumlage 1 (KU1) ist je...
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28.931.995 - Product Updates 418, 417, and 416: Changes to 2019 Austria Kammerumlage (Austrian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
In Austria, the Chamber assessment 1 (KU1) is used to finance the Economic Chamber (WKO) and in principle, must be paid by all members of the WKO. It is however exempted for members with the taxable i...
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28.241.162 - Product Update 416: New options introduced to ease the searching of INTRASTAT transactions (EU legislation)
By Wai Ting Yong
To ease the search of INTRASTAT transactions at Invoice ? Statistics ? Intrastat, theImport and Export options have been introduced. These options areonly applicable to the EU legislation.The option s...
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27.836.688 - Produkt Updates 415, 414, and 413: Weitere Funktionalitäten für den QR Code bei Intregration der Fiskaltrust-Lösung nach Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung eingeführt (Österreichische Gesetzgebung)
By Kerstin Beneke
Nachfolgende neue Funktionalitäten wurden für die Integration der Fiskaltrustlösung (zur Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung) für die Verwaltung des QR Codes eingeführt. Diese sind nur verfügbar, we...
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27.730.702 - Product Updates 415, 414, and 413: Further enhancements to invoice history feature (Austrian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
The following enhancements have been made to the invoicehistory feature for the Austrian legislation. The enhancements are accessible onlyif you have the GLBSE1100 – E-Invoice and GLBSE1103 – E-Direct...
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27.724.878 - Product Updates 414, 413, and 412: QR code introduced for direct invoicing (Austrian legislation)
By Khairunnisa Binti Rosli
To comply with the latest legal requirements, the QR (QuickResponse) code will be provided in the direct invoices that are issued over thecounter. The QR code will contain the information of the invoi...
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26.952.213 - Product Updates 412, 411, and 410: New VAT return layout for 2016 includes VAT boxes 006, 007, and 008 (Austrian legislation)
By Former employee
As of January 2016, the Austrian tax authorities will require VAT returns to be reported using the new layout introduced for 2016. This new layout will be used if the year 2016 or onwards is filled in...
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26.781.969 - Product Update 411: Multiple VAT registration numbers supported for EU sales list report
By Hung Hui Lan
In the European Union (EU), VAT-registered businesses are obligated to supply their tax authorities with an EU sales list, which reports on the supply of goods and services to other VAT-registered cus...
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26.331.363 - Product Updates 410 and 409: New form layout for VAT returns 2015 introduced (Austrian legislation)
By Hung Hui Lan
A new VAT return form layout has been integrated into the system for year 2015 and beyond. The layout is applicable to printed layouts of all types of VAT returns such as trial or final VAT returns. ...
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25.655.132 - Product Update 407: New VAT return layout for year 2014 introduced (Austrian legislation)
By Hung Hui Lan
The VAT return layout for year 2014 is now supported in Exact Globe Next. Some changes involving the header section and VAT boxes have been made to the layout to comply with the latest legal requireme...
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25.566.911 - Product Updates 407 and 406: Changes to SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) and SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) formats
By Hung Hui Lan
Some modifications have been made to the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) and SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) formats for Austria, Portugal, and Italy in conjunction with the latest updates on the following PAIN fo...
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